Calin Baenen

What is this website?

These HTML pages, images, CSS, etc..., are, collectively, my website; I made this webpage to show off my work and creativity.
I started work on the website since I was eleven or twelve, and, throughout the course of its history, it has seen a lot of revisions since its initial launch on Google Firebase.

(Website version: 1.4.0)

Who am I?

I am Calin Baenen, a pansexual, nonbinary programmer that was born October 30th, 2006.
I have programming experience in Java, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, and Rust.
(My favorite of which is Rust.)

Hobbies and Interests

I enjoy programming, writing, and dissecting grammar; currently, I am practicing Swedish.
I rarely play games nowadays; however, when I find a good game I can get really into it, like Undertale or Portal.

Social Media and Contact, email
Katty T. Enby Cat, StackOverflow
Calin Baenen, Sololearn
Katty The Cat, Duolingo
CalinZBaenen, GitHub
Calin Baenen, DEV
MrKatty, Reddit