
Docker image to export Godot Engine games and deploy to GitLab/GitHub Pages and Itch.io.

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


Docker image to export Godot Engine games and deploy to GitLab/GitHub Pages and Itch.io.

Docker Hub


How To Use

A .gitlab-ci.yml is included in this project as reference, for live projects using this image check the list below:

You can choose either GitLab Pages or GitHub Pages to deploy web exports.

GitLab Pages

Delete the deploy-github-pages job from your .gitlab-ci.yml.

GitHub Pages

Delete the pages job and set the following Variables in the GitLab CI/CD panel:

Access https://gitlab.com/<username>/<repo-name>/settings/ci_cd to edit:

Variable Description Example
$REMOTE_URL The git remote where the web export will be hosted (in this case GitHub), it should contain your deploy/personal access token https://<github username>:<deploy token>@github.com/<username>/<repository>.git
$GIT_EMAIL Git email of the account that will commit to the gh-pages branch. artur@barichello.me
$GIT_USERNAME Username of the account that will commit to the gh-pages branch. abarichello

Others variables are set automatically by the gitlab-runner, see the documentation for predefined variables.


Deployment to Itch.io is done via Butler. You will need to set variables in the Gitlab CI/CD settings panel for it to work.

Variable Description Example
$ITCHIO_USERNAME Your username on Itch.io, as in your personal page will be at https://<username>.itch.io username
$ITCHIO_GAME the name of your game on Itchio, as in your game will be available at https://<username>.itch.io/<game> game
$BUTLER_API_KEY An Itch.io API key is necessary for Butler so that Gitlab-ci can authenticate on Itch.io on your behalf. Make that API key Masked to keep it secret aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa