
Extension of Matterport's version of Keras Mask-RCNN to create various image/video filters

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Extension of Matterport's version of Keras Mask-RCNN to create various video filters


Apart from the usual packages, to run Filters.py you will need:

  1. argparse
  2. Moviepy


With Filters.py you can apply various effects to your video:
grey_back, blur_back, bright_object, sharp_object, sharp_back, cartoon_back, warm_front_cold_black, edge_person, pencil_sketch_back

Demonstrated below are gifs of some of the few effects you can recreate with this code:

Original edge_person
grey_back blur_back


As an exammple, in terminal enter the following:

python Filters.py --input input.mp4 --output output.mp4 --filter cartoon_back

Before running, please download the mask_rcnn_coco.h5 file from the released page and put it in the main folder.

Executed on tensorflow 2.1.0 and keras 2.3.1