
Follow along as you watch me fall into madness while working on this mod

Primary LanguageLua

If you feel up to further updating this mod, keep this in mind first.

This is currently the most up to date code

  • https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1905148104

  • Use ChatGPT to help you code further. The code was a mess when I took the torch, and it's only a bit less of a mess when I stepped down due to nolanritchie returning for a short time to update some code. So do your part, use AI to assist your coding. ChatGPT is free to use, and can help you with literally anything LUA, and if you specify project zomboid, it can help you even more. if it doesn't know something? Copy code to it and show it an example of code. Honestly I wish I had ChatGPT when I was messing with the mod.

  • https://chat.openai.com/