
This is my first ecommerce Project and I tried to learn the basic operations using Django things like CRUD and getting more familiar with Django I used HTML CSS and Javascript for the front end and Django for the backend this ecommerce site Listeners has payment integration using payment API's (Paypal, Razorpay) It was fun building this here's a preview of the project: this is the shop page where the products are shown their prices and if they're on offer their offer prices : Shop-Preview a product preview: Single-Product-View this site has all the ecommerce functionalities like add to cart: Cart-Preview add to wishlist: Wishlist-Preview search: Search-Preview user Profile with change password: User-Profile and an orders page where a user can cancel their order and view an invoice Orders-Preview this website also has a custom admin panel with features like User management, Product management, Offer Management, Category Management, Coupon Management, Order Management and sales report with download function and sorting yearly and monthly sales and exporting them to excel and CSV, admin side also has a todo list feature Admin Dashboard AdminDash-Preview

Admin Offer Management Admin-Offers-Preview

Admin Product Management Admin-Product-Preview

Admin Category Management Admin-Category-Preview

Admin Sales Report Admin-Sales-Report

Admin User Management Admin-User-Management

Admin Order Management: Admin-Order-Management

Admin Coupon Preview Admin-Coupon-Preview

Admin Todolist Admin-Todolist