

Primary LanguagePython



14 Sep 2021: Alpha version.

xml-ormz is a orm(Object-relational mapping) library for mapping a collection of relational xml files into native python object. It is able to parse xml document tree into hierarchical class model objects. When parsing xml document tree into objects, it will check the attributes' field type; value content; amount of elements; numbers; regular expressions; etc. These validation rules can all be defined by user intuitively.

So in the end of it, you will get a validated python objects model (with no concern about invalid attribute type or values; missing attributes; wrong amount of elements; invalid schema...). In my philosophy of data processing (xml format is one kind of highly complex hierarchical data), all input data should be validated before any following processes, must not let the malignant propagate, and xml-orm do that properly.

API Reference: https://callmenezha.github.io/xml-ormz/

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1. Installation

pip install xml-ormz

2. Example

It always said one example is beyond any documentation, so let's take a look.

Here is the project hierarchy:

+ ProjectFolder/
	hello.py    # main entry

Let's say we have two xml files.

<!-- contacts.xml -->
    <Person name="Alice" address="Wonderland Street No.231">
    	<Phone number="513754619"/>
        <Phone number="611953242"/>
    <Person name="Rabbit" address="Moon Street No.1">
    	<Phone number="645118456"/>
<!-- addresses.xml -->
	<Apartment location="Wonderland Street No.231" year="1898" owner="Queen of Hearts"/>
    <Apartment location="Moon Street No.1" year="2" area="401"/>
  1. We create model.py for class model definitions.
# model.py

from xo.orm import Model, Optional, StringField, FloatField, IntegerField, ForeignKeyField

class Contacts(Model):

    class Person(Model):
        name    = StringField(re=r"(Alice|Rabbit|John)")  # regular expression validation
        address = StringField()

        class Email(Model):
            __count__ = 1   # every person must have one and only one email
            pass			# email address is in email.text and text is not a attribute
        class Phone(Model):
            __count__ = (1, ) # every person must have at least one phone
            number = IntegerField( primary_key=True )

class Addresses(Model):
    class Apartment(Model):
        location = StringField( primary_key=True )
        year = IntegerField()
        owner = Optional( StringField() ) # owner attribute can be none, not required (without it will raise an error)
		# forget to define `area` field here 
        # when you run the program it will warn you that:
        # 2019-08-29 15:21:40 X root[7828] WARNING Try to assign extra attribute 'area' to undefined field of 'Addresses.Apartment', drop it.
        # So your `area` attribute in addresses.xml will never appear in this object.
  1. Create main entry of program hello.py
# hello.py

from model import Contacts, Addresses
from xo.orm.mapper import XmlMapper

address_map = XmlMapper("./addresses.xml", Addresses).parse()
contact_map = XmlMapper("./contacts.xml", Contacts).parse()
address_map - 
  +  '/Addresses':<class Addresses>
      -  'childApartment':[<class Addresses.Apartment>]
      -  'childHouse':[<class Addresses.House>]
      -  'text':''
  +  '/Addresses/Apartment[1]':<class Addresses.Apartment>
      -  'location':'Wonderland Street No.231'
      -  'owner':'Queen of Hearts'
      -  'parentAddresses':<class Addresses>
      -  'year':1898
  +  '/Addresses/Apartment[2]':<class Addresses.Apartment>
      -  'location':'Moon Street No.1'
      -  'parentAddresses':<class Addresses>
      -  'year':2

contact_map - 
  +  '/Contacts': <class Contacts>
  +  '/Contacts/Person[1]': <class Contacts.Person>
  +  '/Contacts/Person[1]/Email': <class Contacts.Person.Email>
      -  'parentPerson':<class Contacts.Person>
      -  'text':'513754619@mail.com'
  +  '/Contacts/Person[1]/Phone[1]': <class Contacts.Person.Phone>
  +  '/Contacts/Person[1]/Phone[2]': <class Contacts.Person.Phone>
  +  '/Contacts/Person[2]': <class Contacts.Person>
  +  '/Contacts/Person[2]/Email': <class Contacts.Person.Email>
  +  '/Contacts/Person[2]/Phone': <class Contacts.Person.Phone>


2021/9/14 - remove finder/relationship finder functionality in project