A Curated list of Boomlings Valid proxies that can Bypass Robtop's firewall without pissing the Sensetive system known as Cloudflare Sometimes this gets updated and sometimes It doesn't
- Q: What do I do if a proxy doesn't connect or isnt alive
- A: Roatate to the next one until you hit a clean result It's not my fault were using free proxies...
- I hate how Cloudflare firewall works and behaves Made to screw people like us over.
- There is no fun in making Comment Bots anymore
- Robtop does not give a crap about you being anonymous. He'd rather sell your information off to the government
- Tor Exit nodes are blocked.
- Like/DislikeBots are broken
- 6 months of research into IP repuatation and how it affects if we will be blocked or not.
- Daily Chat Downloader Usecases...
- The abuse I had/got from this community many years ago.