
Opens a new tab to a search query for the Michigan University Middle English Dictionary website, when you double-click a word.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

what is?

This is a Firefox extension to facilitate use of the Michigan University Middle English Dictionary website, a dictionary for words used in the English languages used ~1100-1600. It opens a link to a search query for for a given word when you double click it.

You can change the settings in a menu when you right-click your mouse in the browser, changing:

  • whether double clicking will open a tab
  • whether you want to search just for the headword or the whole entry
  • whether you want new tabs to open in the background or not.

Places you can test this


The MED is the best resource for reading old texts but isn't available in any other format. The website is slow to load, slow to use and repeatedly going back and forth between tabs is slow. Double-click → entry is fast.

how does it work?

When you double-click/tap a word in a webpage, your browser highlights that word and temporarily saves it in your browser's local data storage. I can then custom build a link to that word programmatically.