
Software with GUI for 1D seismic site response analysis



Software package for 1D site response analysis and engineering seismology tools

SeismoSoil provides the following site response analysis routines:

  • Linear visco-elastic analysis in both time and frequency domain
  • Equivalent linear analysis
  • Nonlinear analysis (total stress) in time domain
    • Masing rule with modified Kondner-Zelasko (MKZ) constitutive model
    • Non-masing rule with MKZ model
    • Non-masing rule with Hybrid Hyperbolic (HH) constitutive model (Shi & Asimaki, 2017)

SeismoSoil also provides the following tools for manipulating earthquake time series:

  • Band pass and high/low pass filtering
  • Baseline correction of acceleration time histories
  • Fourier spectra and elastic response spectra of acceleration time histories
  • Goodness-of-fit calculation of two time series
  • Parsing of PEER and SMC formatted ground motion records

System requirements

To run from source codes within MATLAB:

  • MATLAB R2013b+
  • Required MATLAB toolboxes:
    • Curve Fitting Toolbox
    • Global Optimization Toolbox
    • Parallel Computing Toolbox
    • Signal Processing Toolbox
    • System Identification Toolbox
    • Wavelet Toolbox

To run compiled executables:

  • Windows 7/8/8.1/10, or macOS (Mavericks and newer)
  • Memory > 2 GB


To run from source:

  • No installation necessary
  • Just download the source codes and put them in a folder

To run from compiled executable:

  • Download executable files and extract to hard drive
  • Before running SeismoSoil for the first time, make sure to set up MATLAB Runtime:

How to run SeismoSoil

To run from source:

  • Run SeismoSoil.m from the folder that contains it
  • You can also add the folder that contains SeismoSoil.m into your MATLAB search path (by running pathtool from the command window)

To run from compiled executable:

  • On Windows
    • Double-click SeismoSoil.exe
  • On macOS
    • Place SeismoSoil in the Applications folder
    • Open Terminal and execute: /Applications/SeismoSoil.app/Contents/MacOS/applauncher

User manual

The user manual, which contains a tutorial and technical details, is here.


(c) 2014-2018, GeoQuake Research Group, California Institute of Technology


Domniki Asimaki, Jian Shi, Wei Li, Peyman Ayoubi

Terms and conditions

By downloading and using this software, you agree to the terms and conditions as listed in the LICENSE.txt file.