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Rental Shop

You have been approached by the management of a rental store and have been asked to create a system to manage their stock items. They need a system that allows them to manage rentals and their customers.

User Stories - MVP

Manage stock As a rental store manager I want to be able to view accurate data about my stock So that I can keep my system up to date

Acceptance Criteria Store managers should be able to create new stock items. Acceptance Criteria Store managers should be able to delete existing stock items.

Manage customers

As a rental store manager I want to be able to manage my new customers So that I can keep my system up to date

Acceptance Criteria Store managers should be able to add new customers to their list of registered customers. Acceptance Criteria Store managers should be able to update the details of their existing customers. Acceptance Criteria Store managers should be able to remove customers.

Process Rentals

As a rental store manager I want to be able process rentals So that I can keep customers happy

Acceptance Criteria Store managers should be able to assign stock items to customers. Acceptance Criteria Store managers should be able to check rentals back into availabe stock.

View all data

As a rental store manager I want to be able to see all the details of the stock items which are currently rented So that I can keep track of my stock

Acceptance Criteria Store managers should be able to view a list of all of their rentals.

User Stories - Possible Extensions Search Functionality As a rental store manager I want to be able to search for stock items _So that I can find information quickly

Acceptance Criteria Create a search bar that returns data valid for the users input

As a rental store manager I want to be able to filter stock items by category So that I can see relevant items for the customer quickly

Acceptance Criteria Create a filter dependant on product attributes (eg cars: hatchback/SUV/estate)