# ConstellationEpheremides Python code to create an epheremides (a dataset of positions in orbit) for a mega-constellation of satellites in Low Earth Orbit. This code was used to create the database hosted at https://ieee-dataport.org/open-access/simulated-megaconstellation-ephemerides The link above included detailed documentation, but essentially this code creates a dataset providing the time-varying positions of 1584 satellites in a simulated megaconstellation modelled on Phase 1 of SpaceX's Starlink. INPUT: Design of the constellation and the number of timesteps and temporal resolution required. OUTPUT: .zip archive containing a .csv dataset with positions, velocities, and orbital elements of each satelltie at each timestep. This code requires the AstroPy and Poliastro packages to run: https://www.astropy.org/ https://www.poliastro.space/
Python code to create an epheremides (a dataset of positions in orbit) for a mega-constellation of satellites in Low Earth Orbit.