Mocha Example

Mocha is a testing Framework designed for NPM projects. It would be most useful to teams that are making a web based application using node.js

Mocha does not interact with the front end of ones application, so you would not be able to automate all tests with Mocha. To test the frontend, you should use other frameworks such as Selenium.

Using Mocha, you can import that parts of your code you want to test into the testing file, and then use the assert functions that mocha provides to test them. Below are examples showing how to install Mocha, a basic example of Mocha testing and an example which imports and test code from another file. You can clone this repository to experiment with the given tests.

For more complicated tests, visit the Mocha webpage at:


First, make sure that you have NPM installed on your computer. Then, run

npm install --global mocha

In your project directory

To run mocha tests, just run


in the command line. Alternatively, you can add it to the test script in package.json, and run npm test.

Basic Test

Mocha tests are written in a test directory, which should be in the top directory of the project. A mocha test file should require assert at the top:

var assert = require('assert')

A basic Mocha test has the following structure:

describe('Basic Mocha Test', function () {
	it('Should return the correct result for 2 + 2', function() {
		assert.equal(2 + 2, 4)

There can be multiple test cases in each of the describe blocks. The describe message should describe the module that is being tested, and the string passed to the it function should describe the specific test case.

Test with imported functions

Mocha can also be used to test existing modules, as shown in the fibonachi.js file in this repo. Simply import the function that you want to test, and use them in a mocha test.

In the file you want to test, make sure that the code you want to import in the testing file can be imported. There are multiple ways to do this, but in this example we use the modules.export:

function fibonachi(i) {
    if(i == 1 || i == 0) {
        return 1
    return fibonachi(i - 1) + fibonachi(i - 2)

module.exports = {
    fibonachi: fibonachi

Then, you can import the function that you exported using the require keyword:

var fib = require('../src/fibonachi')

And then you can use that function in your tests

describe('Fibonachi Test', function () {
	it('should return the correct result of the fibonachi function', function() {
		assert.equal(fib.fibonachi(10), 89)