
Dynamic and controllable animations in React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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Dynamic and controllable animations in React. Check out the react-controllable-animation-generator to help create the required assets for an animation.


Coming soon


npm i react-controllable-animation to install in your project.

import ControllableAnimation from 'react-controllable-animation'; to use in your app.


Here are the props with their meaning for the ControllableAnimation component to control the animation:

  • spritesheet, Required, String of image URL

    Use react-controllable-animation-generator to generate spritesheets easily.

    A single image structured as a grid of animation frames. The description language describes the order that the frames for each animation should be in.

  • spritesheetDescription, Required, Object

    Use react-controllable-animation-generator to generate the description language easily.

    The structure of a description should be:

      name: String,
      frame_width: Integer,
      frame_height: Integer,
      default_frame_position: Integer,
      animation_description: {
        [animation_name: String]: {
          frames: Integer,
          first_frame_position: Integer,
          climax: Integer

    Currently, all frames must be of the same width and height and those dimensions are listed under frame_width and frame_height. Any number of animations can be listed in the animation_description object. Only the climax attribute is optional and it represents the frame that triggers the onAnimationClimax prop.

  • animation, Optional, String

    The name of the animation to currently display. Defaults to 'default'

  • onLoad, Optional, Function

    A callback function that triggers once the spritesheet image has loaded meaning the animation is ready to control. Defaults to an empty function

  • status, Optional, One of String ['play', 'pause']

    Used to play or pause the current animation. Defaults to 'play'

  • speed, Optional, Float

    Dictates the current speed of the animation, essentially the frames per second. 0.5 would play it at half speed, 2 would play it at double speed. The default of 1 plays an animation at 10 FPS.

  • loops, Optional, Integer

    Dictates the number of complete loops an animation should make. The default value of 0 represents endless looping.

  • onLoopComplete, Optional, Function

    A callback function that triggers once the animation has completed the loops specified by the loops props. It does not trigger when loops is set to the endless value of 0 Defaults to an empty function

  • onAnimationClimax, Optional, Function

    A callback function that triggers on the climax frame for the current animation specified by the description language. Defaults to an empty function and does not trigger if a climax frame is not specified.


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