
MSR sentence completion challenge implementation (RNNLM, LSA total similarity, word2vec total similarity) in Python

Primary LanguagePython


These are Python3/Tensorflow implementations for MSR Sentence Completion Challenge.

Code of RNN language model borrows heaveily from word-rnn-tensorflow.


  • Python3
  • Numpy
  • Tensorflow 1.0
  • NLTK 3.2.1
  • SciPy
  • scikit-learn
  • gensim


Training and Test data set can be downloaded from the following link:
Google's pretrained word vectors can be downloaded here: GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz

Please extract the training data and store them inside the ./data directory.

Overview of Models

Recurrent Neural Netowrk Language Model (RNNLM)

  • utils.py
  • model.py
  • train.py
  • inference.py

Total Word Similarity with Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA Total Simlilarity )

  • lsa_similariy.py

Total Word Similarity with Google's pretrained word vectors (Word2vec Total Similarity)

  • word2vec_similarity.py

I recommend to look at Platt's Computational Approaches to Sentence Completion paper.

Basic Usage

To train the RNNLM model with default parameters, run:

python3 train.py

To generate a csv file of predictions from the latest saved checkpoint:

python3 inference.py

Train and output predictions using the LSA Total Similarity model:

python3 lsa_simlarity.py

Train and output predictions using the Word2vec Total Similarity model:

python3 word2vec_similarity.py

Calculate the average precision of predictions:

python3 acc.py -i [path_to_prediction_file]

Pretrained Model

Generate predictions of the test set using pretrained RNN model:

bash ./run.sh


Method Test
RNNLM 0.475
LSA Total Similarity 0.449
Word2vec Total Similarity 0.363