
Ploomber <> Panel Hackathon

MIT LicenseMIT

Ploomber <> Panel Hackathon

This document explains everything you need about the Ploomber <> Panel Hackathon.

Individual Registration

To participate in the hackathon, you must submit the sign-up form. Registration closes on March 15th, 2024. Participants will receive a confirmation over the weekend, and we’ll begin the Hackathon on March 18th, 2024.


  • Code must be open-source
  • You must participate solo or in teams of 2 or 3
  • The app must use Panel
  • The app must be deployed to Ploomber Cloud
  • We're pretty open to topics, but feel free to discuss your idea. Some topics we like are LLM-powered applications, data visualization, Machine Learning, and scientific computing. For inspiration, check out Panel's examples

Confirm your participation

If you're looking for teammates, join Panel’s Discord to pitch your idea.

Someone from each team should open a PR to this repository and themselves to the Teams section.


Add a new section to register your team, here's an example:

Healthy Ploomber - Visualization of Population Health Research

Members: David Tang

Project description: Data visualization of ongoing health research within Imperial College, London - on health scores relating to ageing. Currently all upstream data analytics pipelines are orchestrated by ploomber, so this is an offshoot and interactive extension. For the scope of the hackaton, an open-source app that is primarily targeted towards democratizing the current state of research with other scientists. Further info on the background in the repo below.
Github repo: https://github.com/dcstang/dash_bhs
App link on Ploomber Cloud

Sophia AI - Virtual Psychiatrist for Mental Well-being

Members: Malay Damani

Project description: Sophia AI represents a groundbreaking leap in virtual psychiatric care, delivering unparalleled support and guidance to individuals navigating trauma or depression. Harnessing the power of cutting-edge natural language processing and compassionate responses, Sophia AI is engineered to foster mental well-being and seamlessly connect users with professional assistance as needed. Notably, Sophia AI stands as the undisputed champion of rapid self-help chatbots, offering lightning-fast responses to provide immediate relief and empowerment to those seeking solace.

Link to GitHub repository: Sophia AI GitHub Repository

App link live on Sophia AI on Ploomber Cloud


Members: Calvin

Project description: The project provides insights on the insurance ecosystem with the ultimate goal of creating more awareness on risk and coverage gaps in underserved markets. Using a dashboard, the solution reveals insights on insurance markets and the industries that depend on them.

Link to GitHub repository: {{URL TO A PUBLIC REPOSITORY}}

Evaluation rubric

We'll evaluate the projects with the following criteria:

  1. Consistent progress (did the team post constant and engaging updates?)
  2. Usefulness (does the app solve a real problem?)
  3. User experience (is the app easy to use?)
  4. Technical prowess (is this technically challenging?)

Reporting Progress

We'll evaluate progress along the hackathon, so ensure your teams posts constant updates on social media for us to monitor progress. It's ok to post small updates. Here are some examples:

We're participating in #PloomberPanelHackathon2024 by building {{DESCRIPTION}}! We're just getting started but here's our repository {{URL}} #TeamName

We just built the basic UI for our project, check it out {{APP URL}}! #PloomberPanelHackathon2024 #TeamName

We added the ability to do {{SOMETHING}} to our app, check the recording or try it live {{APP URL}}! #PloomberPanelHackathon2024 #TeamName

Tips to make your updates better:

  • Include a screen recording to show your work, or even better, a deployed application (you don't have to finish the app to showcase it!)
  • Don't forget to include the #PloomberPanelHackathon2024 and #TeamName hashtags!

Getting Help

If you need help with Panel, join Panel's Discord (there is a ploomber-hackathon channel), if you have issues deploying to Ploomber, join Ploomber's Slack

Submitting your work

You must submit your work by March 31st April 7th 11:59PM anywhere on Earth.

Your submission will be a PR to this repository with a link to the deployed application. The Ploomber team will verify the time of the last deployment to ensure timely submissions. After the deadline passes, no updates should be made to the application.


Winners will be announced no later than April 12th.


1st place

  • Ploomber Cloud Pro accounts with $400 in credits per team
  • Amazon gift card for $120

2nd place

  • Ploomber Cloud Pro accounts with $400 in credits per team
  • Amazon gift card for $80

3rd place

  • Ploomber Cloud Pro accounts with $200 in credits per team

Note: credits valid for 6 months from the winner's announcement