
Drivers for AnyLeaf sensors

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



For use with the AnyLeaf pH and RTD sensors in Python



To get started as quickly as possible on Raspberry Pi:

  • Activate I2C (pH and ORP module): Run sudo raspi-config. Select Interfacing OptionsI2CYes.
  • Activate SPI (RTD temp module): Same as above, but select SPI instead of I2C.
  • Reboot

Then run these commands from a terminal:

  • sudo apt install python3-scipy
  • pip3 install anyleaf
  • git clone https://github.com/anyleaf/anyleaf-python.git
  • cd anyleaf-python/examples
  • python3 ph_orp.py

pH readings will display in your terminal.

To install the anyleaf Python package, run pip3 install anyleaf, or pip install anyleaf, depending on how pip is set up on your operating system.

Example use, for Raspberry Pi, and CircuitPython boards:

import time

import board
import busio
from anyleaf import PhSensor, CalPt, CalSlot, OnBoard, OffBoard

def main():
    i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
    delay = 1  # Time between measurements, in seconds
    ph_sensor = PhSensor(i2c, delay)

    # 2 or 3 pt calibration both give acceptable results.
    # Calibrate with known values. (voltage, pH, temp in °C).
    # You can find voltage and temperature with `ph_sensor.read_voltage()` and 
    # `ph_sensor.read_temp()` respectively.
    # For 3 pt calibration, pass a third argument to `calibrate_all`.
        CalPt(0., 7., 25.), CalPt(0.17, 4., 25.)

    # Or, call these with the sensor in the appropriate buffer solution.
    # This will automatically use voltage and temperature.
    # Voltage and Temp are returned, but calibration occurs
    # without using the return values.
    # V, T = ph_sensor.calibrate(CalSlot.ONE, 7., Offboard(40.))
    # ph_sensor.calibrate(CalSlot.TWO, 4., OnBoard())

    # Store the calibration parameters somewhere, so they persist
    # between program runs.

    while True:
        pH = ph_sensor.read(OnBoard())
        # To use an offboard temperature measurement: `ph_sensor.read(OffBoard(30.))`
        print(f"pH: {pH}")


if __name__ == "__main__":