This is a prototype for a gallery of web art and commentary from site users. I used the
MEAN stack -- MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, and Node.js. I also used SASS and Bootstrap for the styling. As of now, The content comes from the Giphy API.
Eventually, I want to pull from multiple API's to get content for users to add
commentary to.
- View a deployed verison here:
This is aimed at people who roam around on the web and have an appreciation for weird things people make.
Users are presented with interesting stuff and prompted to critique what they see.
- Users get to checkout an index of all the saved content and commentary saved to the site.
Upon first visit to the site, a user hits a page presenting him with content pulled
in from a third party API. The user is prompted to add commentary about the content.
When the user presses the save button on the page, the commentary and a url for the content
is saved together as an entry into a database. The user is then redirected to a
page with an index of all the content and commentaries.
AngularJS on the client side is making calls to a third party API to pull in content to be commented. And it's making GET and POST requests to pull in and save data from the database and API I built with Mongoose/MongoDB and Express/Node.