Investigation into SHA 3 vulnerabilities

Primary LanguagePython


Investigation into SHA 3 vulnerabilities

##Theta Function

3D matrix implementation of theta function, includes generate function which generates 5 x 5 x w matrix of random 1's and 0's

##Matrix Utils

Matrix print functions


Use of the matPrint function is recommended:
matPrint(mat, format, comp, label, *args):
Prints a matrix by row, column, or lane


  • mat = the matrix to print
  • format = r, c, or l to prints rows, columns or lanes respectively
  • comp = boolean states whether to compare matrix mat with another matrix supplied as the final argument
  • label = boolean states whether or not to label to output
  • *args = where the comparison matrix is supplied

Example: ``` matPrint(Ap, 'c', True, True, A) ``` Will print Ap column by column compared with A and labeled