
Collaboration project with Camaltra (Mickael Boillaud)

Primary LanguageC

Printf function


Hello, and welcome to our first team project.
You are in the project of Franck LEGER and Mickael BOILLAUD and in this project, 
we write our own printf function.


For compiling:

> gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic -std=gnu89 *.c

Ubuntu 20.04.

Source code in this project

  • main.h

      Contain the use struct and all prototype function.
      Also contain the usefull library to run without issues the
      program, and to make all the limits test.
  • man_3_printf

      The manual page for our printf function. 
  • _printf.c

      This is the main file for printf function. Taking a const char pointer 
      with variadic function.
      The function printf return an int of characters printed.
  • string_function.c

      This is the file that contain the functions print all the 
      string specifers, as %c and %s.
      Contain the functions :
      print_char - Print a char.
      print_str - Print a str.
      print_percent - Print a %.
      reversed_string - Reverse a str, then print it.
  • print_int.c

      This is the file that contain all the functions to print any int number.
      Contain the functions: 
      print_int - Print an int.
      print_short - Print a short.
      print_long - Print a long.
  • print_ouxX.c

      This is the file that contain all the functions to print all bases.
      Contain the functions:
      print_u_number - Print an unsigned int.
      print_octal - Print a octal number.
      choice_hexax - Redictect to the function print_hexa, specify to 
      print the hexa in lowercase.
      choice_hexaX - Redictect to the function print_hexa, specify to 
      print the hexa in uppercase.
      print_hexa - Convert an unsigned int into hexa, the print it. 
  • 1_advanced_function.c

      This is the file that contain the function for advenced use of printf.
      Contain the function : 
      print_binary - Print a binary number
      print_p - Convert an number into adress, then print it
      rot13_convert - Convert a str into the rot13 language, then print it
      print_S - Print a str, every ASCII char that are not a usual char are print
              as "\x" with its 2 bytes hexa conversion.
      print_2hexaX - Convert a number into 2 bytes hexa number.
  • 2_primary_functions.c

      This is the file that contain all the basic function that the program
      need to run
      Contain the functions : 
      _putchar - Print a char
      _strlen - Return the value of the length of the str
  • convert_base.c

      This is the file that contain all the function to convert number 
      into differents bases.
      Contain the functions :
      convert_binary - Convert a unsigned int into binary.
      convert_octal - Convert a unsigned int into octal.
      convert_hoctal - Convert a unsigned short int into octal.
      convert_loctal - Convert a unsigned long int into octal.
  • int_long_function

      This file contain all the function to print the %l, that
      allow to print long int number.
      Contain the functions :
      print_lu_number - Print a unsigned long int.
      print_loctal - Print a octal number from an unsigned long int.
      choice_hexax_long - Redictect to the function print_hexa, specify to 
      print the hexa in lowercase.
      choice_hexaX_long - Redictect to the function print_hexa, specify to 
      print the hexa in uppercase.
      print_hexa_long - Convert an unsigned long int into hexa, the print it. 
  • int_short_function

      This file contain all the function to print the %l, that
      allow to print long int number.
      Contain the functions :
      print_hu_number - Print a unsigned short int.
      print_hoctal - Print a octal number from an unsigned short int.
      choice_hexax_short - Redictect to the function print_hexa, specify to 
      print the hexa in lowercase.
      choice_hexaX_short - Redictect to the function print_hexa, specify to 
      print the hexa in uppercase.
      print_hexa_short - Convert an unsigned short int into hexa, the print it.