scTDA tutorial link not working
bioinformaticss opened this issue · 1 comments
Hi Pablo,
Congrats on the publication of your nice work on scTDA. I am interested in analyze some of my data with it. When I look through your tutorial, I found, however, the link to the source notebook and data files is no longer existed. Could you please update it?
Also, does your software has to have a Ayasdi account? Do you have a tutorial to run your motor neuron data with the free available mapper?
Thank you! I have fixed the broken link to the tutorial files.
The software does not require having an Ayasdi account. In that case, it uses an open-source implementation of the Mapper algorithm. In the next months (time allowing), I want to improve substantially the open-source implementation and add some extra features. Unfortunately, I do not have a tutorial based on our motor-neuron data and the open-source implementation of Mapper. If I get some time, I may prepare one in the future.