Intermediate Git and GitHub

Assumed knowledge

In this course, we assume familiarity with the following Git commands and GitHub concepts:

  • add, commit, push, pull, log
  • Issues
  • Pull requests (PRs)

If these are new to you then please join the Introduction to Git and GitHub for Beginners course, which is running in parallel.

Accompanying slides

Please click here to access to the accompanying slides.

The example code

This repository contains example code in a Python module This module contains a function for generating the equation of a line from two 2D points. The repository also includes unit tests for this function in


To run code in this repository, you will need a working Python3 installation. We recommend that you create a virtual environment for the purposes of this course. To do this, run the following in a terminal window:

python3 -m venv /path/to/intergit

where intergit is the name of the virtual environment and a path should be specified for where the virtual environment will be stored. To activate the virtual environment, run

source /path/to/intergit/bin/activate

which should result in (intergit) appearing before your command prompt.

To install all dependencies into your virtual environment, navigate to the root directory of your clone of this repository and run

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

To test the example code, navigate to the root directory of your clone of this repository and run

pytest -v