
This project aims to create a web application called "Digital Therapeutic Journal" to help users manage their mental health and emotional well-being. The application will provide users with a private and secure space to document their thoughts, feelings, and experiences related to mental health.

Primary LanguageJava


TherapeuticJournal is an application that allows users to track and manage their activities, emotions, and other types of entries for the purpose of maintaining a therapeutic journal.

Project Structure

The TherapeuticJournal project has the following directory and file structure:

[Paste your directory structure here]


The project is divided into multiple packages and modules, each with specific responsibilities:

  • api: Contains API controllers for different entities such as activities, emotions, etc.
  • domain: Contains JPA entity classes that are mapped to tables in the database.
  • Repository: Contains interfaces for JPA repositories that handle data access.
  • exception: Contains classes for handling custom exceptions.
  • resources: Contains configuration files and static resources of the application.


To run the TherapeuticJournal project, make sure you have Java and Maven installed on your system. You can compile and run the application using the following Maven commands:

mvn clean install
mvn spring-boot:run