This is the final version of SpayC, a game I created for my Sophomore Design class with 4 other students.
The game was created in Godot (
My major contributions are as followed:
Scenes: Every "entity" in Godot (Player, Enemies, Consumables, Menus, basically anything interactable) is defined as a Scene. A Scene consists of nodes, attributes, and usually methods to process handler events.
- I created all of the scenes in playerScenes/ and most of the scenes in menuScenes/.
Scripts: All of the game logic and physics were written in .gd format, very similar to python
- - This file deals with player physics and controls. Here, I wrote the controls for aiming and shooting, and the instancing of bullets and other player projectiles
- menuScripts/ - I wrote most of these scripts for navigating through the main menu and pause menu, moving from the main menu to the game, and vice versa.
- - For picking up special ammo
Music: I helped in implementing background music, sounds effects, and volume controls for both of them