
This is repository that allows one to estimate macro models with the simulation based inference (SBI) library

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is repository that allows one to estimate macro models with the simulation based inference (SBI) library

The code is straightforward to run. The main function is sbimacro.sbi_macro(). You run it like this:

from sbiwrapper.sbimacro import sbi_macro
import torch

def testfunct(params):
    xout = params[0]*torch.rand(100).reshape((1,-1))
    return xout

xin = testfunct(torch.tensor([10], dtype= torch.float32)).numpy()
prior1 = torch.distributions.Uniform(torch.tensor([0.0]),torch.tensor([20.0]))
boundmin1 = [.00001]
boundmax1 = [19.99999]
samps, post = sbi_macro(xin, boundmin1, boundmax1, prior1, testfunct, netparams = None, num_rounds = 10, 
              method = 'SNPE', folder = None, init_simulations = 30, round_simulations = 25,
              numworkers = None, batch_size = 1000)

Note the init_simulations and the round_simulations are abnormally low for speed reasons. These numbers should be in the 1000s at least.

This package has been lightly tested. Feel free to report any errors here.