
A tool used to visualize the relationships of variables & clauses in a SAT/2QBF problem; given the proper logging format, it can also step through the solving of the problem in graph form.

Primary LanguagePython


A tool used to visualize the relationships of variables & clauses in a SAT/2QBF problem; given the proper logging format, it can also step through the solving of the problem in graph form.

Normal Graphing

This graph will only display relationships between variables and their groupings by type, but will ignore negations.

Universal Variables:

  • Variable Type: 0
  • Color: Red

Existential Variables:

  • Variable Type: 1
  • Color: Blue

Other Variables:

included for variables that don't fall under the 2QBF format, classified as unviversal variables


  • Edges between the same variable type will share an edge of the corresponding color
  • Edges between different variable types will share an edge that combines the two colors of the variable nodes
  • Contain a weight attribute representing the number of shared clauses between two nodes (a function variable enables by default flattening the multigraph, and another handles the weighting versus simple edges)
  • Commented out, but it is possible to color the edges by their weighting


  • Multiple layouts are possible, but force directed graphs have yielded the best outcome (Fruchterman Reingold can take edge weights into account)
  • Possible to write new layout types/functions (will be inefficient if written in python)
  • Allows for importing and saving of layouts so that their computation only has to be done once


Follows a very specific layout for the .qdimacs.log file

File for which the log was processed SAT Solver and version Activities, Comma separated activity levels [0.0,float] Decision levels, Comma separated decision levels [-,0,int] Decision variables, Comma separated decsions variables [0,1] Constants, Comma separated constants [-1,0,1]

Then the activities, decisons levels, decision variables, and constants lines are repeated as the solver steps through solving the problem

  • Universal variables will be assigned a red color and circle
  • Existential variables wll be assigned a color depending on decision level (white is a non-value, and then a gradient from orange to yellow) and shapes will default to a circle, but can be changed
  • Constants will overwrite a variable's shape to a triangle, with the point up for True assignments and point down for False
  • Activity levels will determine size of the variable drawn
  • Decision variables determine where decisions are made during that time slice/step, and will outline the variable in bright green

Using the program:

The program includes a main directive and funtion so it can be imported for its functions, but usually will be called from the command line. The program includes a help option (-h, --help) which will display available options.

-l, --layout will override the default layout type (will import or compute if not found)

-q, --qdimac tells the program to parse a qdimacs file into a graph

-p, --pickle tells the program to import a python .pickle formatted graph (saves time from parsing and assigning attributes from a .qdimacs file)

-g, --gml similar to the pickle import type, but reads a .gml file (larger than pickle, but usable with other graphing tools)

-o, --output is the output type. This can be a pickle, gml, pdf, svg, or log, important to note is that the log output will create a multipage pdf of the problem being solved (very large file depending on the size of the problem)