- Aisha Peters
- Alexander Eckert
- Sam Erie
- Cameron Showalter
- Rohan Weeden
- Jeremiah Jacobson
- Make your own fork, and merge changes with pull requests. (You can merge your own pull requests)
- Work on
- Only push to
as part of a production deployment
- Use soft tabs set at 4 spaces.
- Use single quotes for strings unless intentionally injecting variables
- Use the same name for associated controller and view names. (For example if the
controller is called
, then the view must also be calledfoo.php
A lot of times you will want to pull the latest changest from the main repo. The easiest way to do this is to add the main repo as a remote.
- Add the remote:
git remote add ask
- Now pull the latest changes from the dev branch
git pull ask dev
In WordPress, plugins are installed in the wp-content/plugins/
folder. Plugins
that require more than one file can be put into a folder as long as there is
a php file inside with the same name.
An easy way to set this up is to create a symlink to the src folder in the plugins directory.
sudo ln -s /path/to/CBD-Database/src/ /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/danceparty
To get the plugin's routing to work you will need to set up the Apache rewrite module. This is pretty simple, but just requires a few steps.
Enable the rewrite module:
sudo a2enmod rewrite
in Apache configs- Open
- Find the section that looks like this:
<Directory /var/www/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Require all granted </Directory>
- Change
to All
- Open
Restart apache
sudo service apache2 restart
Create a blank
file.sudo touch /var/www/html/.htaccess
Give WordPress write access to the
file:sudo chown wpadmin:www-data /var/www/html/.htaccess
Make it group writable
sudo chmod 664 /var/www/html/.htaccess
Disable and Re-enable the DanceParty plugin through wordpress. If everything is set up correctly this will flush the rewrite rules to the
file you created.
Hopefully that should work now (make sure that you've restarted Apache!)
You can test if it works by going to localhost/test
. If you get the test page
it works!
Event viewing
- goto event url and enter variable for scheduled event id as in database
- eg. http://localhost/index.php/events/?event=1
- events must be enabled or you must be admin to view
- can schedule events through review_events page
- to view unscheduled events as admin set unscheduled variable
- eg. http://localhost/index.php/events/?event=1&unscheduled=true Notes:
- be sure to restart plugin for event route
- need to reenter db info in plugin options page to create new dbs
Invoice viewing -basically like Events
- can get array of users invoices like: $user_invoices = UserInvoices::query_invoices( $user->id );
- or singular like $user_invoice = UserInvoices::query_invoices( $user->id, $inv_id )[0];
- users can view their own invoices
- eg. http://localhost/index.php/invoices/?invoice=1
- admins can view other users invoices
- eg. http://localhost/index.php/invoices/?invoice=1&user=1