I started to develop a Responsive Japan Travel Website Design as a creative learning process for myself.
- Includes dark and light mode theme
- Contains 3D Swipe Slider
- Combine animations when scrolling
- Compatible with all mobile devices
- Developed using mobile-first approach
- JavaScript
- Swiper JS
- 🔗 Youtube Channels: Bedimcode - Florin Pop - Online Tutorials
- 🌈 HSL Colors: W3Schools
- 📷 Images: Pexels - Unplash
- 📁 Icons: Remix Icon
- 📁 Fonts: Fonts Google
- 📁 Swiper: Swiper JS
- Grid Layout
- Flexbox
- Image Slider
- Light/Dark Theme Toggle
- Scroll Reveal Animation
- CSS Variables
- JavaScript DOM