This document is a list of the authoritative documents with which we keep track of our progress (not a howto) Please keep the documents linked to here maintained and don't duplicate their functionality elsewhere :)

CampaignLab Guide

Your guide to how to interact with our multifarious projects!

The data inventory

This is the spreadsheet which should store links to every dataset which might be interesting to us.

Current projects:

The list of areas for project we are working on at the moment is here: For people to read who want to know what projects they could get involved in, or start :)

Historic projects:

Non-exhaustive, but descriptive, list of the fun stuff we're doing! This doc is for peeople to read who want to know what projects they could get involved in, or start :) Also for our virtual hackdays during the pandemic - here's what we were working on:

Don't duplicate effort! Has your project already been started?

Coding and transformer work is listed here

We are in the process of documenting this all. Until then, please check through to see if your work is mentioned, or if you are beginning a project, whether someone has already begun!

If you have done work at CampaignLab, please add a link in this spreadsheet, and document how far you got, and what the code does so far.

Converted datasets

We are aiming to make transformers which convert data from it's source format to more useful formats. Partly this means converting to .csv, but also automating dropping empty columns, etc., the standardisation of names and even geographical levels.

Some converted datasets will be stored on GitHub but they can be big, so it's worth keeping them in a data folder which is .gitignore'd. There is a JSON dataset inventory so that we can eventually index our converted datasets in a form that our programs can read. This will also help for quickly or automatically downloading the files we didn't pull in the repo.