
A visual mod for Hordes.io that changes the looks of some items

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Changes item pictures (in your inventory) to a edited version made by Fade!


Installation is incredibly simple.

(If you already have Tampermonkey installed, you can skip this step) Depending on your browser, (Chrome or Firefox) you'll need to install Tampermonkey for either Google Chrome or Firefox.

Go ahead and click here to install HordesRGB. Your userscript manager should then prompt you about installing HordesRGB. If you accept it, the userscript manager should install HordesRGB. And you're done! You can now go to Hordes and check it out!

Note, this mod should work with any other mod you have installed. If it doesn't, please either make an issue on this repository (if you have a GitHub account) or DM LegusX#5272 on Discord.

(Or let us know on the official HordesRGB Discord: https://discord.gg/pvX53YS)