
A lightweight wrapper aggregating the functionality of several tools to scan and detect malicious contents embedded within MS OLE2 and MS Office documents

Primary LanguageC#


olescan is a lightweight wrapper aggregating the functionality of several oletools to facilitate automated scanning of MS OLE2 and MS Office documents. The tool is not designed to cover advanced maldoc analysis but is to assist Level 1 Support Teams in performing a preliminary analysis before escalating to Level 2/3 Support Teams (i.e. InfoSec Professionals).

It's analysis capabilities include:

  1. Scanning of macro-enabled file-types and detection of macros, embedded flash content or file encryption (oleid)
  2. Automatic code extraction, VBA stomping detection, decoding of common obfuscation methods including Hex encoding, StrReverse, Base64, Dridex, VBA expressions, and identification of IOCs and suspicious VBA keywords from decoded strings (olvevba)
  3. Scanning and detection of malicious VBA Macros using generic heuristics to check for auto - execution, system / memory writes and / or file execution outside the VBA context (mraptor)

Requires a Windows OS and installation of the oletools utility. Please see https://github.com/Rices/olescan/wiki for an overview of manual setup, along with a Dockerfile for building of a local olescan image.

Pre-compiled binaries can be found under https://github.com/Rices/olescan/tree/master/oletriage/bin/Debug

Analysis Result: olescan will provide a suspicion rating between 0-100%


0-15% - RARE

16-40% - UNLIKELY

41-59% - POSSIBLE

60-84% - LIKELY


Please see (https://github.com/decalage2/oletools) and/or (https://github.com/decalage2/ViperMonkey) for extremely useful analysis tools.

Usage: olescan [Options] <filename>


  -h, --help         show help message and exit

  -b, --batch        input a pipe delimited list in-place of <filename> for scanning automation

  -o, --output       output scanning results into a delimited text file (e.g. -o "C:\results.csv")

  -v, --verbose		output the verbose analysis to console

Example Usage:
olescan "MaliciousDoc.xls" <-- Basic Analysis Result
olescan -v "MaliciousDoc.xls" <-- Verbose Analysis Output (Results of olevba & mraptor)
olescan -v -b -o "C:\Results.csv" "C:\DocumentList.csv" <-- Verbose Analysis Output from a batch scan of documents is saved to Results.csv