
Enforcing robust control guarantees within neural network policies

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Enforcing robust control guarantees within neural network policies

This repository is by Priya L. Donti, Melrose Roderick, Mahyar Fazlyab, and J. Zico Kolter, and contains the PyTorch source code to reproduce the experiments in our paper "Enforcing robust control guarantees within neural network policies."

If you find this repository helpful in your publications, please consider citing our paper.

  title={Enforcing robust control guarantees within neural network policies},
  author={Donti, Priya and Roderick, Melrose and Fazlyab, Mahyar and Kolter, J Zico},
  booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},


When designing controllers for safety-critical systems, practitioners often face a challenging tradeoff between robustness and performance. While robust control methods provide rigorous guarantees on system stability under certain worst-case disturbances, they often result in simple controllers that perform poorly in the average (non-worst) case. In contrast, nonlinear control methods trained using deep learning have achieved state-of-the-art performance on many control tasks, but often lack robustness guarantees. We propose a technique that combines the strengths of these two approaches: a generic nonlinear control policy class, parameterized by neural networks, that nonetheless enforces the same provable robustness criteria as robust control. Specifically, we show that by integrating custom convex-optimization-based projection layers into a nonlinear policy, we can construct a provably robust neural network policy class that outperforms robust control methods in the average (non-adversarial) setting. We demonstrate the power of this approach on several domains, improving in performance over existing robust control methods and in stability over (non-robust) RL methods.


  • Python 3.x/numpy/scipy/cvxpy
  • PyTorch 1.5
  • OpenAI Gym 0.15: A toolkit for reinforcement learning
  • qpth: A fast differentiable QP solver for PyTorch
  • block: A block matrix library for numpy and PyTorch
  • argparse: Input argument parsing
  • setproctitle: Library to set process titles
  • tqdm: A library for smart progress bars


Running experiments

Experiments can be run the following commands for each environment (with the additional optional flag --gpu [gpunum] to enable GPU support). To reproduce the results in our paper, append the flag --envRandomSeed 10 to the commands below.

Synthetic NLDI (D=0):

python main.py --env random_nldi-d0 

Synthetic NLDI (D ≠ 0):

python main.py --env random_nldi-dnonzero


python main.py --env cartpole --T 10 --dt 0.05

Planar quadrotor:

python main.py --env quadrotor --T 4 --dt 0.02


python main.py --env microgrid

Synthetic PLDI:

python main.py --env random_pldi_env

Synthetic H:

python main.py --env random_hinf_env

Generating plots

After running the experiments above, plots and tables can then be generated by running:

python plots.py