
30 Days Leetcoding Challenge Solutions 2020 May

Primary LanguageSwift


30 Days Leetcoding Challenge Solutions May Leet Code 2020

Link to challenge


Week 1

Link all solutions of Week 1 challenge

Number Problem Challenge Solution
1 First Bad Number Swift and C++
2 Jewel And Stone Swift and C++
3 Ransom Note Swift and C++
4 Number Complement Swift and C++
5 First Unique Character Swift and C++
6 Majoirity Element Swift and C++
7 Cousins In Binary Tree Swift

Week 2

Link solutions of week 2 challenge

Number Problem Challenge Solution
8 Straight Line Swift
9 Square Swift
10 Town Judge Swift
11 FloodFill Swift
12 Single Element Swift
13 Remove K Digit Swift
14 Trie Prefix Tree Swift

Week 3

Link solutions of Week 3 challenge

Number Problem Challenge Solution
15 Maximum Sum Circular Subarray Swift
16 Odd Even Linked List Swift
17 Find All Anagrams in a String Swift
18 Permutation in String Swift
19 Online Stock Span Swift
20 Kth Smallest Element in a BST Swift
21 Count Square Submatrices with All Ones Swift

Week 4

Link solutions of Week 4 challenge

Number Problem Challenge Solution
22 Sort Characters By Frequency Swift
23 Interval List Intersections Swift
24 Construct Binary Search Tree from Preorder Traversal Swift
25 Uncrossed Lines Swift
26 Contiguous Array Swift
27 Possible Bipartition Swift