This AWS Lambda function harvests HNAP files in JSON format from the GeoNetwork v3.6 catalog and exports them into an S3 bucket.
Use an AWS cron to run every 10
minutes and overwrite any existing JSON files with the same UUID. Note: running every 10
minutes will overlap with 1). This is intentional and will capture an edge case where a Lambda cold start of a few milliseconds will not capture a full 10 minute window.
Default behaviour (no additional params in GET): use the GeoNetwork 'change' API to obtain a feed records that are new, modified, deleted or had their child/parent changed. This program will look backwards
minutes. -
Special case: reload all JSON records
2.1) Special case: insert a specific JSON record
2.2) Special case: delete a specific JSON record
3.1) Special case: load all records since a specific dateTime in ISO 8601
E.g., `?fromDateTime=2021-04-29T00:00:00Z`
3.2) Special case: load all records up to a specific dateTime in ISO 8601
E.g., `?toDateTime=2021-04-29T00:00:00Z`
3.3) Special case: load all records between specific dateTimes in ISO 8601
E.g., `?fromDateTime=2021-04-29T00:00:00Z&toDateTime=2021-09-29T00:00:00Z`
- If GeoNetwork ( is inaccessible then exit.
Note: runtype and fromDateTime cannot be used together
To deploy to AWS Lambda, use Cloud9 and the Serverless Application Model Command Line Interface (SAM CLI). SAM CLI is an extension of the AWS CLI that adds functionality for building and testing Lambda applications. It uses Docker to run your functions in an Amazon Linux environment that matches Lambda. It can also emulate your application's build environment and API.
To build and deploy this application, we first need to create public-private ssh-key.
In the AWS Cloud9 bash shell:
In the Cloud9 terminal:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
[Enter] [Enter] [Enter]
cat /home/ec2-user/.ssh/
Copy the string starting from ssh-rsa
into you GitHub account > Settings > SSH and GPG keys > New SSH key > Title: Any title > Key: copied key > Add SSH Key
Clone this project to Cloud9 from the bash shell:
git clone
Build the application
cd HNAP_JSON_Harvest
sam build
Test the build using the payload.json
file included in the 'events' folder.
Hint: remove the underscore '_' to get desired behaviour
"_runtype": "full",
"_verbose": "true",
"_uuid": 8b882aa3-f8ef-4d88-8541-059260e04e4a,
"_fromDateTime": "2021-05-04T00:00:00Z",
"_toDateTime": "2021-12-30T12:14:45Z"
sam local invoke -e payload.json
The response should appear similar to:
{'queryStringParameters': {'_runtype': 'full', 'fromDateTime': '2008-08-30T01:45:36.123Z'}}
XML has: 5 metadata records
Uploaded 5 records
END RequestId: -ID-
REPORT RequestId: -ID- Init Duration: 1.02 ms Duration: 2137.28 ms Billed Duration: 2200 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 128 MB
{"statusCode": "200", "headers": {"Content-type": "application/json"}, "body": "{\n \"statusCode\": \"200\",\n \"message\": \"Reloading all JSON records......5 record(s) harvested into SOME_BUCKET\"\n}
Go to the Amazon ECR service and press "Create repository" and create a new Private ECR. The URI similar to "" will be used in step 5 of deployment.
sam deploy --guided
Stack Name: hnap_json_harvest_yyyymmdd
AWS Region: ca-central-1
Image Repository: Image ECR URI from Step 4
Confirm: y Confirm: y Confirm: y Confirm: y [Enter] [Enter]
After this, sam will build the CloudFormation stack and deploy the ECR.
CloudFormation stack changeset
Operation LogicalResourceId ResourceType Replacement
+ Add HnapJsonHarvestFunctionHnapJ AWS::Lambda::Permission N/A
+ Add HnapJsonHarvestFunctionRole AWS::IAM::Role N/A
+ Add HnapJsonHarvestFunction AWS::Lambda::Function N/A
+ Add ServerlessRestApiDeployment7 AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment N/A
+ Add ServerlessRestApiProdStage AWS::ApiGateway::Stage N/A
+ Add ServerlessRestApi AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi N/A
A final question will ask if you want to deploy the changeset.
Confirm: y
CloudFormation events from changeset
ResourceStatus ResourceType LogicalResourceId ResourceStatusReason
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::IAM::Role HnapJsonHarvestFunctionRole -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::IAM::Role HnapJsonHarvestFunctionRole Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::IAM::Role HnapJsonHarvestFunctionRole -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Function HnapJsonHarvestFunction -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Function HnapJsonHarvestFunction Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::Lambda::Function HnapJsonHarvestFunction -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi ServerlessRestApi -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi ServerlessRestApi Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi ServerlessRestApi -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Permission HnapJsonHarvestFunctionHnapJ Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment ServerlessRestApiDeployment -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Permission HnapJsonHarvestFunctionHnapJ -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment ServerlessRestApiDeployment Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment ServerlessRestApiDeployment -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::ApiGateway::Stage ServerlessRestApiProdStage -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::ApiGateway::Stage ServerlessRestApiProdStage Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::ApiGateway::Stage ServerlessRestApiProdStage -
CREATE_COMPLETE AWS::Lambda::Permission HnapJsonHarvestFunctionHnapJ -
CloudFormation outputs from deployed stack
Key HnapJsonHarvestApi
Description API Gateway endpoint URL for Prod stage for HNAP JSON Harvesting function
Value **API PATH**
Key HnapJsonHarvestFunctionIamRole
Description Implicit IAM Role created for HNAP JSON Harvesting function
Value **API_ARN**
Key HnapJsonHarvestFunction
Description HNAP JSON Harvesting Lambda Function ARN
Value **LAMBDA_ARN**
sam deploy
sam deploy --guided
Should return: Successfully created/updated stack - APP_NAME in ca-central-1
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name <<stack-name>>
Validate to ensure template.yaml is valid
sam validate
If the validate returns an error is detected, it may be necessary to specify the URI of the container image. In the template.yaml, add the ImageURI. E.g.,
PackageType: Image
Install prerequisites libraries
pip install aws-sam-translator docopt
pip install pyyaml
git clone
pip install -r serverless-application-model/requirements/base.txt
pip install cfn-flip
First, convert the SAM template (yaml) to CF template (json). Note: there is currently no way to convert to yaml directly.
python serverless-application-model/bin/ --template-file=template.yaml --output-template=output.json
Next convert the CF template (json) to CF template (yaml). The output can be used to
cfn-flip -i json -o yaml output.json output.yaml