
Converts English text to IPA notation

Primary LanguagePython

IPA Generator 2.0 (Python 3)

Converts English text to IPA notation

I noticed some people were making use of my first IPA program, so I decided to write a better version. This program utilizes the Carnegie-Mellon University Phonetic Dictionary Database to convert English words into IPA.

English to IPA 2.0
Word or Phrase: unnaturally
List of possible transcriptions: 
1. ənnæʧərəli
2. ənnæʧərli
3. ənæʧərli
4. ənnæʧrəli

Some notes and key functions:

  • The CMU_dict.txt file must be in the same directory as conversion.py in order to work!

  • Words which cannot be found in the CMU dictionary are ignored and simply reprinted.

  • Simple punctuation is stripped away (?, !, ., etc).

  • Should only take one line of input at a time

  • convert(input, retrieve) - takes a string or list of English text and returns it as a single IPA string. If the retrieve parameter is set to 'ALL', a list is instead returned, with all possible combinations of discovered transcriptions returned.

    convert('the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog')
    ðə kwɪk braʊn fɑks ʤəmpt oʊvər ðə lezi dɔg   
  • isin_cmu(word) - checks if a given word or phrase is in the CMU phonetic dictionary. If a phrase is given, only returns true if all words are in the dictionary.

  • get_ipa_list(input) - returns each transcribed IPA token as a list of all discovered transcriptions.

      get_ipa_list('The receptionists were busy')
      [['ðə', 'ði'], ['risɛpʃənɪs', 'risɛpʃənɪsts', 'rɪsɛpʃənɪs', 'rɪsɛpʃənɪsts'], ['wər'], ['bɪzi']]