
Truffle test site of the Distributed Liquidy Pool and its integration with Kyber Network

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Distributed Liquidity Pool - Tests

This repo is for testing the DLP infrastructure - that is the Kyber Fund Reserve (which is a modified version of the original Kyber Reserve) and Fund Wallet which is a smart contract responisble for Raising, opperating and distibuting a Fund (which are dictated by different time periods) which feeds the Reserve.


  1. Node and NPM LTS versions 10.14.1 and 6.4.1 respectively. Download from nodejs.org

  2. Truffle

Install the following verison of truffle.

sudo npm install -g truffle@latest
  1. Install the rest of the NPM packages
npm install

To Run Tests

cd into the directory and run truffle develop.

truffle develop

Within the truffle develop console test the contracts.
