
Hydrogen basic contact form using a custom metaobject and the Admin API

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Hydrogen Contact Form (metaobjects and Admin API)

This example adds a simple contact form at routes/index.tsx and complementing api handler /routes/api.contact-form.ts to manage the creation of contact form metaobject entries on form submissions.

The contact form metaobject definition:

  • name: 'Contact Form',
  • type: 'contact_form',
  • fields:
    key: 'name',
    value: fields.name,
    type: 'sigle_line_text'
    key: 'email',
    value: fields.email,
    type: 'sigle_line_text'
    key: 'date',
    value: fields.date,
    type: 'date'
    key: 'subject',
    value: fields.subject,
    type: 'single_line_text'
    key: 'message',
    value: fields.message,
    type: 'rich_text'

Requires the following additional env vars:

  • PRIVATE_ADMIN_API_TOKEN: string; - WARNING: please ensure that the scope of this Admin API token is limited to metaobjects write only.

Hydrogen is Shopify’s stack for headless commerce. Hydrogen is designed to dovetail with Remix, Shopify’s full stack web framework. This template contains a minimal setup of components, queries and tooling to get started with Hydrogen.

Check out Hydrogen docs Get familiar with Remix

What's included

  • Remix
  • Hydrogen
  • Oxygen
  • Shopify CLI
  • ESLint
  • Prettier
  • GraphQL generator
  • TypeScript and JavaScript flavors
  • Minimal setup of components and routes

Getting started


  • Node.js version 16.14.0 or higher
npm create @shopify/hydrogen@latest --template hello-world

Remember to update .env with your shop's domain and Storefront API token!

Building for production

npm run build

Local development

npm run dev