Add an inspect control to Mapbox GL JS to view all features of the vector sources and allows hovering over features to see their properties.
Requires mapbox-gl-js (version 0.29.0 – 0.31.x).
mapbox-gl-inspect is a Mapbox GL JS plugin that you can easily add on top of your map. Check index.html
for a complete example.
Make sure to include the CSS and JS files.
When using a CDN
<script src=''></script>
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' />
When using modules
var mapboxgl = require('mapbox-gl');
var MapboxInspect = require('mapbox-gl-inspect');
// Pass an initialized popup to Mapbox GL
map.addControl(new MapboxInspect({
popup: new mapboxgl.Popup({
closeButton: false,
closeOnClick: false
Add the inspect control to your map.
map.addControl(new MapboxInspect());
Switch to the inspection map by default.
map.addControl(new MapboxInspect({
showInspectMap: true
Switch to the inspection map by default and hide the inspect button to switch back to the normal map. Check examples/inspect-only.html
map.addControl(new MapboxInspect({
showInspectMap: true,
showInspectButton: false
Disable the feature Popup in inspection mode and in map mode. Check examples/no-popup.html
map.addControl(new MapboxInspect({
showInspectMapPopup: false,
showMapPopup: false
You can also control the Popup output. Check examples/custom-popup.html
map.addControl(new MapboxInspect({
renderPopup: function(features) {
return '<h1>' + features.length + '</h1>';
You are able to control the generated colors and background of the inspection style.
Check examples/custom-color-1.html
and examples/custom-color-2.html
var colors = ['#FC49A3', '#CC66FF', '#66CCFF', '#66FFCC'];
map.addControl(new MapboxInspect({
backgroundColor: '#000',
assignLayerColor: function(layerId, alpha) {
var randomNumber = parseInt(Math.random() * colors.length);
return colors[randomNumber];
You can also hide the inspect button and enable the popup on the map if just want the popup hovering feature in your normal map but no inspect style.
Check examples/no-inspect-style.html
map.addControl(new MapboxInspect({
showInspectButton: false,
showMapPopup: true
You can pass a queryParameters
object structured like the parameters object documented for map.queryRenderedFeatures
This let's you show the inspect popup for only certain layers.
Check examples/query-params.html
map.addControl(new MapboxInspect({
queryParameters: {
layers: ['composite_road_line']
You can also use this feature to do custom layer filtering.
map.addControl(new MapboxInspect({
queryParameters: {
filter: ['>', 'height', 10]
If inspecting features is too fiddly for thin lines you can optionally set a custom pixel buffer around the pointer when querying for features to make inspection a bit more forgiving.
Check examples/less-fidly.html
map.addControl(new MapboxInspect({
selectThreshold: 50
Do not show the inspect popup when hovering over the map but only when clicking on the map.
Check examples/popup-on-click.html
map.addControl(new MapboxInspect({
showMapPopup: true,
showMapPopupOnHover: false,
showInspectMapPopupOnHover: false
Run the linter and watch for changes to rebuild with browserify.
npm install
npm run test
npm run watch
Create a minified standalone build.
npm install
npm run build