A collection of useful utilities for Unity Projects by the Reality Collective. Useful for any Unity Project to accelerate and code safely within Unity.
- Rest - A collection of Rest based tools to make making and using Rest calls in Unity very easy.
- Async - A collection of Asynchronous and CoRoutine helpers for working with Sync -> Async code.
- AnimationCurveExtensions
- ArrayExtensions
- AssemblyExtensions
- BoundsExtensions
- CameraExtensions
- CollectionsExtensions
- ColliderExtensions
- CollisionExtensions
- Color32Extensions
- ComparerExtensions
- ComponentExtensions
- ConverterExtensions
- DoubleExtensions
- EnumerableExtensions
- EnumExtensions
- FloatExtensions
- GameObjectExtensions
- HandednessExtensions
- LayerExtensions
- MathfExtensions
- ProcessExtensions
- QuaternionExtensions
- RayExtensions
- SpriteExtensions
- StringExtensions
- SystemNumericsExtensions
- TextureExtensions
- TransformExtensions
- TypeExtensions
- UnityObjectExtensions
- VectorExtensions
- AnimatorParameter
- AutoStartBehavior
- AxisType
- CardinalAxis
- CollationOrderType
- FlattenMode
- Handedness
- OrientationType
- PivotAxis
- ProcessResult
- QuaternionSmoothed
- RecognitionConfidenceLevel
- RenderPipeline
- RotationConstraintType
- ScaleStateType
- SystemType
- TypeGrouping
- Vector3Smoothed
- EnumFlagsAttribute
- ExtendsAttribute
- Il2CppSetOptionAttribute
- ImplementsAttribute
- PhysicsLayerAttribute
- PrefabAttribute
- SystemTypeAttribute
- Vector3RangeAttribute
The simplest way to getting started using the utilities package in your project is via OpenUPM. Visit OpenUPM to learn more about it. Once you have the OpenUPM CLI set up use the following command to add the package to your project:
openupm add com.realitycollective.utilities
Please feel free to provide feedback via the Reality Toolkit dev channel here, all feedback. suggestions and fixes are welcome.
- tbc
If there is anything not mentioned in this document or you simply want to know more, raise an RFI (Request for Information) request here.
Or simply join us on Discord and come chat about your questions, we would love to hear from you