
Smart Trip Application

Getting Started - User Manual


  • Ionic Framework – A framework for building native apps using Ionic Angular
  • Node.js – for the frontend
  • Java 11 – for the backend
  • Micronaut - for the java

Project Stucture

  • File -> Project Structure -> Modules -> + -> Import Module -> Select backend folder -> Import module from external model -> Select Gradle -> Finish
  • File -> Project Structure -> Modules -> + -> Import Module -> Select frontend folder -> Create module from existing sources -> Next -> Next -> Finish
  • File -> Project Structure -> Project -> Select Project SDK as Java 11
  • File -> Project Structure -> SDKs -> Select 11

Build Setup

$ npm install -g @ionic/cli #to install ionic

Use this if you cannot start the application using IDE

$ ionic serve  #reload at localhost:4200

If necessary, do not forget to update these dependencies below

$ npm i ngx-star-rating –force

$ npm install --save @ionic-native/geolocation –force

$ ./gradlew shadowJar


  • You can access the APK file from the release file in the paket-degisiklikleri branch and for the backend connection, you need to add your ip address to the serverRoot: 'http://YOUR_IP_ADDRESS:8080' in the environment.prod.ts file.