
Turkish ChatBot System for Cankaya University using Artificial Intelligence

Installation Instructions:


  • If you want to use ChatbotTelegramBot and ChatbotWebApp you must run backend.py first.

  • For GPT3 Model, ask contributors for OpenAI key(openai.api_key = "write Openai api key here"), and set the your model in here(model="write trained gpt3 model name here")

  • For Bert Model, you should download Elasticsearch first. Download here : https://www.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch After downloading Elasticsearch, a zip file named elasticsearch-8.8.1-windows-x86_64 will download to your computer. Extract this zip file to the directory in your folder where you are sure that you have more than 64GB free space on your computer. Go to this folder on your computer and run bin/elasticsearch.batch file respectively (Example: C:\Users\Hpi5-9\elasticsearch-8.8.1\bin). After running this file, Elasticsearch will start to install on your computer and you will be able to see your password in the window that opens. After copying your password, enter your password instead of the password in the backend.py file ( http_auth=('elastic', 'write elastic password here'),). !!!Do not close batch file while running backend.py.

Chatbot Telegram Bot:

  • Visit the Telegram app on your device.

  • Search for "Turkish Chatbot System" and select the bot or you can just click the link : https://t.me/TurkishCankayaChatbot

  • Follow the on-screen instructions to choose the desired model and type your questions.

  • You can also ask questions via voice message.

Cankaya University Web App:

Cankaya University Mobile App:

Usage Examples:

Chatbot Telegram Bot:

[voice message] - Send a voice message to transcribe and receive a text-based answer [text message] - Type and send a text-based question to receive an answer

Figure1: TelegramBot user interface & example usage

Chatbot Web App:

[text message] - Type and send a text-based question to receive an answer

Figure2: Chatbot classifier user interface & example usage

Chatbot Android App:

[text message] - Type and send a text-based question to receive an answer

Figure3: Chatbot Android Application user interface & example usage