
FOODMAX - WASTEMIN: Food loss/waste prevention and Donation Platform

Project Website


Running the app


  • Git
  • node.js and npm
  • Android Studio and Android SDK


  1. Clone this repository to your local computer
git clone https://github.com/CankayaUniversity/ceng-407-408-2023-2024-FOODMAX-WASTEMIN-Food-loss-waste-prevention-and-Donation-Platform.git
  1. Navigate into the project directory.
cd ceng-407-408-2023-2024-FOODMAX-WASTEMIN-Food-loss-waste-prevention-and-Donation-Platform
  1. Install all the necessary dependencies using npm.
npm install
  1. To run the app run this command and then when it is started press 'a' for run the android emulator
npm start
  1. Copy the .env.default file in your local environment and rename it to .env. Then, replace the API keys within this file with your own keys.

Running the Flask Server

Follow these steps to get your Flask server up and running on your local machine.


  • Python 3.x
  • pip (Python package installer)


  1. Change directory to flask server and install the dependencies
cd flask-server
  1. Create and Activate Virtual Environment (macOS/Linux)
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
  1. Install Dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run the Server
python3 server.py

Changing emulator port (Android)

Do this if necessary

  1. List your emulator devices
adb devices
  1. Change emulators port to 5000
adb -s emulator-5554 reverse tcp:5000 tcp:5000

Screenshots of the App