
e-TurFinSAS: Entity Based Turkish Financial Sentiment Analysis System

Project Description

This project aims to collect tweets shared on Twitter X about the top 100 companies listed on Borsa Istanbul (BIST100) and perform entity-based sentiment analysis on this data. Tweets will be classified as positive, negative, or neutral to analyze companies' social media perception and market dynamics. This approach will assist investors and analysts in predicting trends and help companies with brand strategies. Additionally, it will strengthen decision support mechanisms by developing early warning systems against financial crises.

Team Members

Name Student Number
Taner Onur UYAR 202011014
Ahmet Eren YAĞLI 202011038
Ahmet Gökay ÜRKMEZ 202011057
Mert Şerafettin KARGI 202011061
Baha ÖÇALAN 202011056
