
A lexer and parser generator in JavaScript for DSL and custom languages in the browser and Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Possibly Acronym for: JAvascript COmpiler Bison-like Or maybe even Just Another Compiler to OBjects

Jacob is a tool like Flex and Bison to generate interpreters or compilers. This can be used for example to create a DSL (domain specific language) to be used in NodeJS or in the browser.

Generating a language interpreter (or compiler) involves two steps:

  1. aggregate the input characters into a series of "tokens": this is done by a module called "lexer"
  2. interpreting the series of tokens as a language, according to a grammar, this is done by a module called "parser".

Also, you will define an actual behaviour which is the semantic of the language, that is, what the program should do according to a language statement.

Given appropiate instructions, Jacob will generate both the lexer and the parser. We'll see how to specify the actual behaviour of your parser.


From a command line to generate the lexer use the following command line:

jacob -t tokens.jacoblex [-l lexer.js]

The -t argument specify the token specifications file, the optional -l parameter specify the name of the generated file. For the token specification file extension you can use whatever extension you want (here I used .jacoblex) except .js since .js file will be interpreted as javascript modules containing the internal representation of the tokens. You could also use this instead of the lexer language descripted later, this will be documented in the future.

Analogously to generate the parser you would use:

jacob -g grammar.jacobgram [-p parser.js]

Usually you'll generate both modules with just one invocation:

jacob -t tokens.jacoblex [-l lexer.js] -g grammar.jacobgram [-p parser.js]


In order for Jacob to create a lexer you have to provide it with a .jacoblex file which looks something like the following:

%moduleName MyLexer


digits = [0-9]

<>{digits}*\.{digits}+    {
    this.jjval = parseFloat(this.jjtext);
    return 'float';

<>{digits}+   {
    this.jjval = parseInt(this.jjtext);
    return 'integer';

<>print {
  return 'print';

<>\w+ { return 'id'; }

<>\s* { }

<>.   { return this.jjtext; }

<>$   { console.log('EOF'); return 'EOF'; }

The syntax is similar to Flex's, with some differences. The file is split in three areas, separated by a double percent. In the first area are the directives. The only currently supported is %moduleName, which allow you to specify the name of the generated module.

The second section contains definitions, that allows you to assign names to regular expressions.

The third section contains the actual ules. In order to recognize a token, you specify the regular expression that matches it, and then assign it an action.

Take for example the following:

<>\w+ { return 'id'; }

The double angled brakets are used to specify (optional) starting state of the rule (more on that later), in this case the rule is active in the DEFAULT state. The regular expression \w+ matches one or more alphanumeric chars. The associated action (between curly braces) is a javascript function that should return the name of the matched token. This name is the name that can then be used in the grammar file.

Regular Expressions Syntax

Jacob implements most, if not all, the regular expressions mechanism found in most lexer, including forward lookahead. Here is a summary:

pattern description
x matches character 'x'
. matches any character except newline
[xyz] this is a character class: it matches either 'x','y' or 'z'
[a-f] character class with range: it matches every character from 'a' to 'f' included
[^a-f] range negation: matches everything BUT 'a'-'f'
r* matches 0 or more times the regular expression r
r+ matches 1 or more times r
r? matches 0 or 1 r
r{2,5} matches from 2 to 5 r
r{2,} matches 2 or more r
r{,5} matches from 0 to 5 r
r{4} matches r exactly 4 times
{digits} matches the definition named 'digits'
\X '' is the escape character, can be used to insert character like '\n','\r','\t' or to escape regex special character like *
\x2a matches character with hex code 2a
\u2103 matches unicode character U+2103
rs the regular expression r followed by the regular expresson s
r|s either r or s
r/s lookahead: matches r only if it is followed by s
^r matches r only at the beginning of a line
r$ matches r only at the end of a line
ab(cd)* matches ab, abcd, abcdcd, abcdcdcd etc.

Lexer Actions

In the actions you should specify what the lexer should do after recognizing a token. The simplest action is the empty one;

<>\s* { }

This is useful to ignore a given input. Since the action won't return any token name, the lexer will continue processing the input without outputting any token for the matched content, thus in fact ignoring that input. In the example above the whitespace is ignored.

Another common situation is having to parse the input to have a meaningful token:

<>{digits}+   {
    this.jjval = parseInt(this.jjtext);
    return 'integer';

Inside actions, this points to the lexer itself. In the lexer jjtext contains the text that the regular expression matched. jjval by default contains the same text asjjtext but you can change it inside an action. In the example above the text is parsed to get an integer value, which is then stored in jjval. Note that jjval is the value that is used in the parsing phase by your interpreter/compiler. Another powerful thing you could do inside an action is to change the lexer's state. Take this example:

<>\/\*    {this.pushState('BLOCKCOMMENT');}
<BLOCKCOMMENT>\*\/    {this.popState();}
<BLOCKCOMMENT>(\n|\r|.) {}

When the lexer encounters a /* sequence, it will enter a BLOCKCOMMENT state because of the action this.pushState('BLOCKCOMMENT');. In this state, the only active rules art the ones in which the state list (the list inside angular brackets) contains the BLOCKCOMMENT identifier. So while the lexer is in BLOCKCOMMENT state, it whill ignore any character because of the rule (\n|\r|.) {} The only way to change the state is to encounter a */ sequence in which the action this.popState(); while resume the state that was active before encountering the first /* sequence. The previous rules thus can be used to ignore block comments with a C-like syntax.

Here is a table of all the members of the generated lexer that are available for you inside the actions:

member description
jjtext the text matched by the regex
jjval the value of the current token, by default the same as jjtext
jjpos the position of the current token inside the input string
less(n) this function can be called to push back n character into the input stream
isEOF() returns true if the input is at the end

Of courser the generated Lexer is a JavaScript object, so you can dynamically add any member or method you need in your actions.

Using the Lexer

After you generate a lexer, you create one using the constructor:

var MyLexer = require('mylexer'); //mylexer.js being the file generated by jacob
var lexer = new MyLexer();
lexer.setInput('string to be parsed');

var firstToken = lexer.nextToken();


After setting the input, you call the nextToken() to make the lexer read the next token. Each call to nextToken() will yield a new token, or a special object meaning you reached the end of the input. A non-EOF token looks like this:

	name: "integer", //this is the name given to the token by the action
    value: 12, //the action parsed the input into a number
    lexeme: "12", //the original section of the input corresponding to this token
    position: 35, //the position in the input string at which the token started
    pos: { //the position using lines and columns (useful for reporting parsing errors)
    	col: 2, 
        line: 7


At the end of the input, the lexer will return an special object to signal that we reached the end, to test if a token is the EOF (end of file) token, use lexer.isEOF(token).

Usually you don't use the lexer by itself, of course, but you pass it over to a parser.


In order to generate a parser you need to give Jacob the specification file containing an attributed grammar which describes the language you want to interpret/compile. Simply put, the grammar file will contains the grammar rules and the actions that the parser must execute after recognizing each rule. Jacob can generate SLR, LALR and LR1 parser type. If not specified, Jacob will choose the most appropiate parser type given the grammar.

Here is an example of a jacob grammar file:

%moduleName MyParser

%left 'PLUS' '-'
%left '*' '/'

Program = { Statement } function(){};

Statement = 'id' '=' Expression function(id,_, exp){this[id] = exp;}
            | 'print' Expression function(_,exp){ console.log(exp);} ;

Expression = Expression 'PLUS' Expression  function (e1, _, e2) {
                                                             return e1 + e2;
            | Expression '-' Expression function (e1, _, e2) {
                                                              return e1 - e2;
            | Expression '*' Expression function (e1, _, e2) {
                                                             return e1 * e2;
             | Expression '/' Expression function (e1, _, e2) {
                                                               return e1 / e2;
             | 'integer'  function (i) {
                                             return i;
             | 'id'  function (id) {
                                        return this[id];
             | '(' Expression ')'   function (_, e) {
                                                         return e;



At the top of the file you define directives, those can be:

%moduleName <name> sets the name of the generated module

%mode SLR|LALR|LR1 sets the type of the generated parser. If not provided the simplest type able to parse the grammar is used.

%left|%right token1 [token2 token3...] sets the precedence and the associativity of an operator. The operator defined first have lower precedence. The name used for the tokens should be the ones that the lexer is returning in their actions. They could be the actual input character (es: '-', '°') or an actual name (es: 'PLUS') the important thing is that they match what the lexer is returning.

%nonassoc tells the parser that that token is not associative, so that it will raise an error whenever it will be used is an expression with other operator of the same precedence.


Tha actual grammar is specified in Extended Backus–Naur Form, with every rule followed by an action consisting in a javascript function.

The EBNF in the example defines rules using Nonterminal symbols (Program, Statement, Expression, ...) and terminal symbols ('(', ')', 'integer', '*',...). Terminal symbols are contained in single quotes and should match the name of the tokens as yielded by the lexer.

Each production can have several alternatives (separated by the pipe symbol) and each alternative can have its own action function. The action function will receive a parameter for each element of the corresponding right-hand-side part of the production.

Each rule is then terminated with a semicolon (;).

EBNF is more handier than BNF because it also adds shortcuts to define repetitions, optionals and grouping:

{ ... } means 0 or more (...)

[ ... ] means 0 or one (...)

( ... ) will group the content into one group. This is useful to inline some rules that don't need a special action for themselves, for example:

Assignment = Identifier ':=' ( 'integer' | Identifier | 'string' ) function(id,_,rhsvalue) { ... };

Using The Parser

Like with the Lexer, you create the parser using its contstructor

 var MyParser = require('./myparser'); //myparser.js is the file generated by jacob
 var parser = new MyParser();

To start the parsing, you call the parse() method, passing a lexer as the first parameter:

var MyLexer = require('mylexer'); //mylexer.js being the file generated by jacob
var lexer = new MyLexer();

What the parse() method do and yields depends entirely of what you put inside the grammar actions. If writing a simple expression interpreter, for example, it could yield the final result. If writing a compiler it could yield the source code or, even better, an Abstract Syntax Tree,

Usually, though, for achieving non trivial results, you must integrate the grammar actions with the outside world, through the use of an execution context and an environment.

Execution Context

When the grammar actions are evaluated, their this is referring to an object that acts as an execution context. This can be used to store state, identifier tables, and so on. You can pass your own object to act as execution context in the parse() method:

var cxt = {}; //this object can be whatever you need. Grammar actions will be evauated in this object's context

parser.Parse(lexer, cxt);
//cxt will now contain whatever the grammar actions put there

If not provided, the parser will create an empty object to be used as execution context for the actions.


Inside the actions, you might need to use other modules, for example containing the classes of your AST. To make those modules accessible to your grammar actions during parsing time, you pass an environment object to the parser constructor:

 var MyParser = require('myparser'); 
 var astclasses = require('astclasses');
 var othermodule = require('someothermodule');
 var parser = new MyParser({
        ast: astclasses,
        other: othermodule

The actions of your grammar can reach the environmental module using any of the following names: environment, env, modules, imports. For example:

Statement = 'id' '=' Expression function(id,_, exp){
						return new imports.ast.Assignment(id,exp);