Streamlit Web App to perform gamma hadron classification based on data by KASCADE experiment.
Dataset is taken from KASCADE Cosmic Ray Data Centre. The application is developed for educational purposes.
- Biuld the image:
docker build --tag app:1.1 .
- Run the app in the container:
docker run --publish 8344:8344 -it app:1.1
If you don't want to run the app in the container, you can virtual environment using
pipenv shell
and when run the app manually using
streamlit run --server.port 8344
(or any other port you prefer).
Warning: streamlit doesn't free the port itself! Use kill -9 $(lsof -t -i:8344)
for this purpose.
KASCADE Cosmic Ray Data Centre, for providing the data for the machine learning pipeline.
Streamlit, for the open-source library for rapid prototyping.
Astroparticle Physics Research group, for fruitful discussions and inspiration.