
A client library which might make Whydah integration more easy and more resilient

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


GitHub tag (latest SemVer) Build Status Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. CodeQL Known Vulnerabilities

A client library which aimed to make Whydah integration more easy and more resilient

  • XML and JSON parsing of Whydah datastructures sent over the wire. (Whydah Typelib)
  • Util library for all the frequent used standard API calls
  • SessionHandler for ApplicationSessions and User Sessions
  • Client logic for using Whydah Web SSO - SSOLoginWebapp (SSOLWA) and STS (SecurityTokenService).

The 3rd party Admin SDK is found at https://github.com/Cantara/Whydah-Admin-SDK

For code and examples for other languages, see https://github.com/cantara/Whydah-TestWebApp

Example code

        // Log on application and user
        String userToken = WhydahUtil.logOnApplicationAndUser("https://whydahdev.cantara.no/tokenservice/",\\
                           new ApplicationCredential("applicationID","applicationname","applicationSecret"),\\
                           new UserCredential( "username", "password");
        // Get the user sessionId (userTokenId)
        String userTokenId = UserXpathHelper.getUserTokenId(userToken);

Example code, with automatic user and application session renewwal

        WhydahApplicationSession wasSession = new WhydahApplicationSession(uTokenSUri, \\
                           new ApplicationCredential(appId, appName, appSecret));
        WhydahUserSession wusSession = new WhydahUserSession(wasSession,userCredential);
        if (wusSession.hasRole("WhydahAdmin"){
          // do admin privilege operation


Binaries and dependency information for Maven, Ivy, Gradle and others can be found at http://mvnrepo.cantara.no.

Example for Maven:
