- Download MinGW installer here
- install mingw32-gcc-g++-
- You might have to restart your pc here
For debugging
- install everything that mentions gdb from the mingw installer
- Add MinGW/bin to your env path variable
- You might have to restart your pc here
- After compiling the .cpp files, execute the a.exe program
- User prompted to type anything and then hit enter to change the values automatically to predetermined values (Tests program's data checking functionality)
- User will be notified if changes have been made
Data Representation
- All data is assumed to be converted into a string format before being submitted to the csv file
- For arrays, there are no square brackets in the string, just the actual values separated by '^' instead of commas
- Floats and Longs will have 'f's and 'L's in the string to the right of the number
- Doubles and Integers are just simply converted to a string
- Strings remain strings
After you have a way to compile cpp you should be all set up to clone