
A machine learning tool used to predict phishing URLs

Primary LanguagePython

Sharkcop - A machine learning tool to detech phishing URLs

Sharkcop has 2 main parts:

  1. Sharkcop-server: A flask webserver which provide a restful api to fetch an url's information
  2. Sharkcop-extension: A Chrome extension which interact with sharkcop-server to detech phishing URLs on Facebook and Messenger

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.


Python 3 >


Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/CaoHoangTung/sharkcop

1. Install sharkcop-server on your local machine

At the project root directory, run

cd sharkcop-server

Install the required packages

pip3 install –r requirements.txt
python3 app.py

Server is up and running

The server will be up at The RESTful API endpoint would be in this format:

You can test the api through a web interface at

There are 3 statuses that could be returned:

  • 1 : The url is phishing
  • -1 : The url is normal
  • 2 : Cannot fetch the url's information (May be dued to refusal of connection or server error)

The test webserver 2. Setup sharkcop-extension (for Chrome)

  • Open Chrome Extension Manager (chrome://extensions/)
  • Enable Developer Mode
  • Click 'Load unpacked' and select the directory 'sharkcop-extension' inside our project root directory
  • Try it on facebook. The extension will highligh phishing URLs

The extension

Built With

  • Python
  • Javascript


  • We use Machine Learning to detect Phishing Website, specifically SVM (Support Vector Machine) which is a discriminative classifier formally defined by a separating hyperplane. In other words, given labeled training data, the algorithm outputs an optimal hyperplane which categorizes new examples.




  • The project is still under construction and requires a lot of optimization.
  • Any suggestions or help would be very appreciated