
Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Gatling is a powerful open-source load and performance testing tool for web applications. Solr is the popular, blazing-fast, open source enterprise search platform built on Apache Lucene.

Gatling-Solr project available at https://github.com/sarkaramrit2/gatling-solr. The intention of the project is make a robust framework to load test SolrCloud clusters; both dynamic indexing and querying.

The project is created in five modules:

Dynamic Query Creator

Gatling Solr DSL

Gatling Solr Docker

Gatling Solr Kubernetes

Gatling Solr Jenkins

Note in this project we have utilised Wikipedia dump available here. Note: we have cleaned the data to get rid of special characters, HTML tags etc. to have proper text and numbers.

Dynamic Query Creator

To perform load testing for querying, we need good randomized mix queries.

WikiIndexer - load entire data to dummy solr collection to make it ready for QuerySampler QuerySampler - perform json faceting on dummy solr collection, pick random text values from fields, query collection again, and repeat the process again to create random queries and write it to a file. SolrQueryCreator - read file created from QuerySampler and create classic Solr syntax queries with random rows, start, sort fields order etc. SolrFacetQueryCreator - read file created from QuerySampler and create JSON Facet Solr syntax queries with random rows, start, sort fields order etc.

Custom Query Creator - ‘highlighting’ ‘spell checking’ ‘suggestions’ randomized query params can be added in SolrFacetQueryCreator or SolrQueryCreator.

JSON facet queries are created as -

        String json_string = "&" +
                "json.facet={" +
                "titles : {" +
                "type : terms," +
                "field : " + (r.nextBoolean() ? "title_t_sort" : "description_t_sort") + "," +
                "limit : " + (String.valueOf(r.nextInt(
                        r.nextInt(100) + 1) + 1)) + "," +
                "mincount : " + (String.valueOf(r.nextInt(
                        r.nextInt(10) + 1) + 1)) +
                "}" +

        query += json_string;

Gatling Solr DSL

Gatling supports HTTP endpoints for load testing, but it is not enough for SolrCloud cluster as a single node will become aggregator node everytime. Inspired by Kafka and JDBC DSL frameworks for Gatling, project is created.

Compile and Deploy

git clone https://github.com/sarkaramrit2/gatling-solr.git cd gatling-solr sbt assembly cp target/gatling-solr*.jar GATLING_HOME/lib/


val solrConf = solr.zkhost(Config.zkHost).collection(Config.defaultCollection) .numClients(Config.numClients.toInt).properties(Config.prop)

solr("queryRequest") // query to do .queryString

Sample code for Query:

object Query { // construct a feeder for our query params stored in the csv val feeder = tsv(Config.queryFeederSource).circular

// each user sends loops queries val search = repeat(Config.numQueriesPerUser) { feed(feeder).exec(solr("queryRequest") // query to do .queryString) } }

// pass zookeeper string, default collection to query, poolSize for CloudSolrClients val solrConf = solr.zkhost(Config.zkHost).collection(Config.defaultCollection) .numClients(Config.numClients.toInt).properties(Config.prop)

// A scenario where users execute queries val users = scenario("Users").exec(Query.search)

setUp( users.inject( constantUsersPerSec(Config.maxNumUsers.toDouble) during (Config.totalTimeInMinutes.toDouble minutes), rampUsersPerSec(Config.minNumUsers.toDouble) to Config.maxNumUsers.toDouble during (Config.totalTimeInMinutes.toDouble minutes)) ).protocols(solrConf)

Sample code for Index:

object Index { // construct a feeder for content stored in CSV file val feeder = solrIndexV2Feeder

// each user sends batches val search = repeat(Config.numBatchesPerUser) { feed(feeder).exec(solr("indexRequest") .indexV2(Config.header, feeder.next.get("record").get)) // provide appropriate header } }

// pass zookeeper string, default collection to index, poolSize for CloudSolrClients val solrConf = solr.zkhost(Config.zkHost).collection(Config.defaultCollection) .numClients(Config.numClients.toInt).properties(Config.prop)

// A scenario where users execute queries val users = scenario("Users").exec(Index.search)

setUp( users.inject( atOnceUsers(Config.maxNumUsers.toInt)) ).protocols(solrConf)

Property file path must be defined in the Simulation scala file.

The parameters needs to specified in index.config.properties:

indexFilePath -- absolute path to file to be indexed, allowed CSV, TSV. numBatchesPerUser -- total batches of docs per user / concurrent thread, default. maxNumUsers -- max number of users to be ramped up for testing, default. minNumUsers -- min number of users for testing before ramping, default. totalTimeInMinutes -- total time the users will make requests, default. indexBatchSize -- total docs per batch for each users, default. zkHost -- zookeeper string of the solr cluster, default. defaultCollection -- collection docs to be indexed to, default. header -- field names to be indexed in order, default. header.sep -- separator for header to be split to generate field names, default. fieldValues.sep -- separator each line in index file to be split on. numClients -- total number of CloudSolrClients need to be used for testing.

The parameters needs to specified in query.config.properties:

queryFeederSource -- absolute path to file to be used for feeding queries. numQueriesPerUser -- total number of queries per user. maxNumUsers -- max number of users to be ramped up for testing, default. minNumUsers -- min number of users for testing before ramping, default. totalTimeInMinutes -- total time the users will make requests, default. basequery -- query string with defaults specified. zkHost -- zookeeper string of the solr cluster, default. defaultCollection -- collection docs to be indexed to, default. numClients -- total number of CloudSolrClients need to be used for testing.

Sample property files available here.

Sample Simulation scala files available here.



Gatling Solr Docker

Gatling-Solr docker available at: https://cloud.docker.com/u/sarkaramrit2/repository/docker/sarkaramrit2/gatling-solr

Dockerfile for the project available here.

Using image to run container: docker run -it -d --rm --name gatling-solr sarkaramrit2/gatling-solr

Run Simulation loaded and pass relevant parameters: docker exec gatling-solr gatling.sh -s QuerySimulation -rd "--query-simulation--"

Mount configuration and simulation files from the host machine and run gatling: docker run -it -d --rm -v configs:/opt/gatling/user-files/configs/ simulations:/opt/gatling/user-files/simulations/ \ --name gatling-solr sarkaramrit2/gatling-solr

Resources - GATLING_HOME set at /opt/gatling. Property configs to be put under /opt/gatling/user-files/configs/. Respective data files to be put under /opt/gatling/user-files/data/. Default configs for Gatling under /opt/gatling/conf/. Simulation scala files available under /opt/gatling/user-files/simulations/.

How to run test and generate reports with Docker

Sample script available here with appropriate comments.

Gatling Solr Kubernetes

YAML file available here.

apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: gatling-solr labels: app: job spec: containers: - name: gatling-solr image: sarkaramrit2/gatling-solr:latest ports: - containerPort: 80

Steps to run

start K8 container kubectl describe -f k8-pod.yaml

running tests on container ‘gatling-solr’ kubectl exec gatling-solr -- gatling.sh -s QuerySimulation -rd "--query-simulation--"

running tests on custom configs, simulations, data etc kubectl cp PATH_TO/configs /gatling-solr:/opt/gatling/user-files/configs kubectl cp PATH_TO/simulations /gatling-solr:/opt/gatling/user-files/simulations kubectl cp PATH_TO/data /gatling-solr:/opt/gatling/user-files/data

e.g. kubectl cp configs default/gatling-solr:/opt/gatling/user-files/configs e.g. kubectl cp simulations default/gatling-solr:/opt/gatling/user-files/simulations

kubectl exec gatling-solr -- gatling.sh -s QuerySimulation -rd "--query-simulation--" #run-in-foreground // kubectl exec gatling-solr -- gatling.sh -s IndexV2Simulation -rd "--index-simulation--"

Sample script available here.