
DeepHawkes: Popularity Prediction of Information Cascades

Primary LanguagePython


This repository is an implementation of our proposed DeepHawkes model in the following paper:

Qi Cao, Huawei Shen, Keting Cen, Wentao Ouyang, Xueqi Cheng. 2017. DeepHawkes: Bridging the Gap between 
Prediction and Understanding of Information Cascades. In Proceedings of CIKM'17, Singapore., November 
6-10, 2017, 11 pages.

For more details, you can download this paper from ACM DIGITAL LIBRARY. The following url is the corresponding download link: https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3132973&CFID=1005695721&CFTOKEN=57128415


We publish the Sina Weibo Dataset used in our paper,i.e., dataset_weibo.txt. It contains 119,313 messages in June 1, 2016. Each line contains the information of a certain message, the format of which is:

<message_id>:     the unique id of each message, ranging from 1 to 119,313.
<root_user_id>:   the unique id of root user. The user id ranges from 1 to 6,738,040.
<publish_time>:   the publish time of this message, recorded as unix timestamp.
<retweet_number>: the total number of retweets of this message within 24 hours.
<retweets>:       the retweets of this message, each retweet is split by " ". Within each retweet, it records 
the entile path for this retweet, the format of which is <user1>/<user2>/......<user n>:<retweet_time>.

    This dataset is limited to only use in research. And when you use this dataset, please cite our paper as listed above.

Downlowd link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1c2rnvJq

password: ijp6

Steps to run DeepHawkes

1.split the data to train set, validation set and test set. command:

cd gen_sequence
python gen_sequence.py
#you can configure parameters and filepath in the file of "config.py"

2.trainsform the datasets to the format of ".pkl" command:

cd deep_learning
python preprocess.py
#you can configure parameters and filepath in the file of "config.py"

3.train DeepHawkes command:

cd deep_learning
python run_sparse.py learning_rate learning_rate_for_embeddings l2 dropout
#exsamples  python -u run_sparse.py 0.005 0.0005 0.05 0.8