
Instance Segmentation, TensorMask

Primary LanguagePython


The code is unofficial version for TensorMask: A Foundation for Dense Object Segmentation.

  • image
  • image

input_size = (640x512), no multi-scale training, no multi-scale test

class AP AP50 AP75 APS APM APL
person box 0.481 0.752 0.503 0.256 0.559 0.704
person mask 0.395 0.721 0.392 0.184 0.454 0.614


  1. python==3.7
  2. pytorch==1.0.0
  3. torchvision==0.4.2
  4. opencv-python,pycocotools,progress,numpy,easydict


git clone https://github.com/CaoWGG/TensorMask.git	
cd TensorMask/models/ops/align2nat
python setup.py build_ext --inplace
cd TensorMask/models/ops/sigmoid_focal_loss
python setup.py build_ext --inplace


## dataset coco2017
## modify config.py : cfg.class_name and cfg.num_class
python train.py

Show result

python demo.py
## show window
python show_pred_window.py